Continuously improving our quality management system,taking our place among the pump brands in both within the country and abroad,achieving to provide exorbitant satisfaction between our dealers and ultimate buyer.
-Enhancing the quality by continuous improvement.
-Not contenting with existing conditions but also determining continuous improvement as our basic philosophy.
-Meeting the customer needs in time and as expected.
-Working as environment friendly conforming to environmental awareness and legal regulations.
Our Vision
Our vision to be a global brand that produces high quality and energy efficient products in water pump and fluid systems, known and preferred for its service quality and customer satisfaction.
Our Mission
Our mission to follow the technological developments in the world closely, to ensure that all our employees adopt the understanding of quality and to keep the quality of our products at the highest level, to bring customers and fulfill our responsibilities to our employees, the environment and the society.
Highest Quality Production
Not to compromise on quality in design, technology and production and to ensure sustainability with the quality management system.
Continuous Improvement
To bring innovations in the light of leading technologies.
Strong Communication Bond
To establish strong communication with our customers, employees and partners, to facilitate communication and to provide fast solutions.
Customer Happiness
Our first priority is to meet the expectations of our customers with quality and stability. It is our duty to protect our products and to be with our customers before and after sales.
Respect for Human, Environment and Society
In all our relationships, it is our duty to act in good faith and understanding, and always abide by the laws and ethical rules.